Written by: Carola | Published on: 7 February, 2024

Breastfeeding & Immunity: Unlocking Nature’s Secret Defense—With No Judgment Attached

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Introduction: Breastfeeding is often praised as one of the most natural and effective ways to nurture and safeguard your baby. But let’s keep it real—it’s not always smooth sailing. Breastfeeding is a journey with its highs and lows, and for many moms, it can be one of the most challenging parts of motherhood. And that’s perfectly okay. Formula exists for a reason, and having it as an option can relieve a lot of the pressure, allowing you to relax and enjoy bonding with your baby. Whether you decide to breastfeed, use formula, or do a combination of both, what matters most is that your baby is loved and nourished.

1. My Personal Journey: Breastfeeding ranks among the top 10 hardest things I’ve ever done. The pressure to be the sole provider of nutrition for my baby was intense. Thankfully, formula was there as my safety net, offering peace of mind. Just knowing I had that backup made all the difference—it allowed me to relax, which ironically made breastfeeding easier.

But the road was far from easy. I wrestled with a nasty combination of mastitis, candida, and painful open wounds during my first breastfeeding experience. It took three long months and consultations with three different lactation consultants before I reached a point where breastfeeding was manageable. After an emergency C-section, my doctor approved infrared sauna sessions to help combat the infection. These sessions were crucial for my recovery and provided much-needed relief during a very challenging time.

2. The Science Behind Breastfeeding: What Makes It Special Breastfeeding isn’t just about feeding your baby—it’s about fostering a deep connection and providing unparalleled health benefits. What do feel-good hormones, real-time immune protection, and a quicker postpartum recovery have in common? They’re all incredible benefits of breastfeeding for both you and your baby.

Often referred to as "liquid gold," breast milk is a living, dynamic fluid brimming with immune-boosting factors, essential fatty acids, stem cells, enzymes, and bonding hormones. These components offer profound benefits, some of which science is just beginning to uncover.

3. Health Benefits of Breastfeeding for Baby: When I first became a mother, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever master all the new skills required—like swaddling or deciphering different types of cries. But one thing was clear: the contentment on my baby’s face after nursing brought me indescribable joy.

Beyond providing a full belly, breastfeeding offers your baby a wealth of benefits:

a. Custom-Made Immune Support:
Breastfeeding acts as a personalized shield against the germs and viruses your baby encounters. Here’s how it works:

  • Kissing Your Baby: Each time you kiss your baby, your body "samples" the pathogens on their skin. Your immune system then produces specific antibodies, which are delivered to your baby through your milk.
  • Baby Backwash: When your baby nurses, their saliva interacts with your mammary glands, triggering the production of antibodies that are tailored to the specific pathogens they’re exposed to.

b. Year-Round Protection:
Breastfeeding for at least a year provides protection across all seasons, reducing the risk of ear infections, respiratory illnesses, gut infections, eczema, and even certain types of cancer.

c. Tailored Nutrition:
Breast milk isn’t just nourishing—it’s adaptive. It changes composition based on your baby’s age, the time of day, and their specific needs. For example, nighttime breast milk contains higher levels of sleep-inducing hormones, helping your little one get the rest they need.

d. Metabolic Support:
Breast milk contains leptin, a hormone that regulates metabolism and body weight. Studies suggest that breastfed babies may have a lower risk of developing obesity and Type 2 diabetes later in life.

e. Cognitive Development:
Research indicates that breastfeeding is associated with better cognitive outcomes later in life. Components in breast milk promote brain development, contributing to improved cognitive function.

4. Breastfeeding Benefits for Moms: Breastfeeding isn’t just beneficial for babies—it has significant advantages for mothers as well:

a. Hormones That Make You Feel Good:
Breastfeeding triggers the release of prolactin and oxytocin—hormones that promote feelings of calm and bonding. This natural boost can help reduce the risk of postpartum depression.

b. Speedier Postpartum Recovery:
Oxytocin not only helps you bond with your baby, but it also assists your uterus in contracting back to its pre-pregnancy size more quickly, reducing the risk of postpartum hemorrhage and speeding up recovery.

c. Long-Term Health Benefits:
Breastfeeding has been linked to a lower risk of ovarian and breast cancer. It also supports weight loss, strengthens bones, and may even enhance cognitive function in mothers—hormones released during breastfeeding have been shown to enrich brain areas involved in learning and memory.

5. A No-Judgment Zone: This post is not meant to make you feel bad if you decided formula was your best option. The number one thing you need is a happy mother, because a happy mother means a happy baby. Your mental health is crucial, and taking care of yourself is a priority. Whether you choose to breastfeed, use formula, or combine both, what matters most is that you and your baby are happy and healthy.

Breastfeeding is natural, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. It’s okay to face challenges, it’s okay to seek help, and it’s definitely okay to use formula if that’s what you need. Every mother’s journey is unique. From my own experience, after everything I learned, choosing to persevere helped me keep going when I really felt like giving up with both my first and second sons. Remember, doing it twice doesn’t mean you’ll get it right automatically, but each experience teaches you something new.

You’re not alone in this journey, and every mother’s experience is unique. Embrace your path with no judgment attached, and focus on what works best for you and your family.

Conclusion: Breastfeeding is a powerful and natural way to nourish and protect your baby, but it’s also one of the most challenging aspects of early motherhood. Remember, you’re doing an amazing job, no matter how you choose to feed your baby.

Looking for more comprehensive guidance on how to nourish both you and your baby? I invite you to join our membership program, where you’ll gain access to a complete Prenatal Nutrition Guide, which includes everything from a prenatal protocol and diet plan to tips on managing nausea, constipation, and blood pressure during pregnancy. You’ll also find a Baby Nutrition Guide with detailed instructions on how to make homemade formula.

And don’t forget to check out our CALM supplement—perfect for supporting your mental well-being during this critical time. CALM is formulated with a blend of adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, and L-Theanine, known for their ability to reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and support overall mental clarity. However, if you’re breastfeeding, please consult your healthcare practitioner before use to ensure it’s right for you.

Join us today and empower your health journey with the resources and support you deserve.

This information is educational only and not intended to diagnose or treat any specific condition.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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by Carola Le-Wriedt
Evidence-based reviewed article
To your:
"Invisible battles & Unseen Strength"

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