
Hormones estrogen dominance (Low)


Swelling and tenderness in your breasts

Fibrocystic lumps in your breasts

Irregular menstrual periods

Decreased sex drive

Hair loss

Anxiety and panic attacks


Sleepiness or fatigue

Low sex drive

Cold hands and or feet

Uterine fibroids

Weight gain

Memory problems

Mood swings

Trouble sleeping

Increased symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Your score is


Hormones estrogen dominance(High)

Increase in urinary tract infection (UTIs)

Loss of libido


Trouble concentrating

New onset depression

Painful sex due to a lack of vaginal lubrication

Shifts in mood

Hot flashes

Breast tenderness or pain

Menstrual migranes

Your score is


By Carola Le-Wriedt

My health issues were a mystery to Western medicine, countless doctors didn’t know how to heal me and just prescribed pills to mask my symptoms. Having battled Chronic Lyme disease, Dysautonomia POTS, Fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, hypoglycemia, Hasimoto’s Thyroiditis (Hypothyroidsm), chronic fatigue, estrogen dominance and years of digestive issues. I do what I do because I’ve found the solution: The Holistic Detox. Let me show you how so it inspires you to take care of your health issues too.

Functional Medicine vs. Conventional Medicine

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