"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident." Schopenhauer


Functional medicine

By addressing root cause, rather than symptoms, practitioners become oriented to identifying the complexity of disease.

Provides the right conditions so the body can heal itself .

Treatments have mild or no side effects, and other unrelated complaints often improve spontaneously.

Eliminates sources of inflammation or triggers providing the body with the ability to heal therefore restoring health

Reverses disease , and prevents future complications

Patient  plays an active role , Functional Medicine is deeply interested in listening to the patient , every aspect of their life to investigate how and why illness occurs and restores health by addressing the root causes of disease for each individual

Are used to investigate functional biochemical, nutritional, metabolic and hormonal status. to promote optimal function, prevent and reverse disease, and improve quality of life.

journals uncorrupted by corporate or political interest, BIG PHARMA can’t profit from prescribing celery juice in the morning , or eating clean anti-inflammatory foods . 

I´t recognizes  the importance of modern medicine and combines it with traditional medicine and  ancient wisdom,  emphasizes the importance of everything that can affect the mind and  body .

Each patient is unique , every single symptom, cause, ailment 

Each program is tailored to be 100% individual .

The Functional Medicine approach uses a broad range of interventions to

achieve optimal health including diet, nutrition, exercise and movement; stress management; sleep and rest, bioenergetic medicine, phytonutrient, nutritional and pharmaceutical supplementation; and various other restorative and reparative


They may find one condition has many different causes and, likewise, one cause may result in many different conditions. As a result, functional medicine treatment targets the specific manifestations of disease in each individual.

Functional Medicine uses systems biology to understand and identify

how core imbalances in specific biological systems can manifest in other parts of the body. 


Conventional medicine

Gives a name to the sum of symptoms a client is presenting a “DISEASE” & then they just use a pill for every ill.

 Just because you can´t feel the pain ( thanks to the painkillers ) doesn´t mean the body is not hurting anymore.

Just look at the back of any medication under adverse reactions , severe side effects everytime.

Conventional medicine prescribes medications, makes you a patient for life, they are just a palliative.

Saves lives when the only option left is surgery or hospitalization

Patient plays a submissive role, 

Mostly dismissed  or ignored when trying to communicate the beliefs of the factors affecting their health.

Tests and treatments results number based on the “NORMAL” average results of people ( most people are not healthy ) not on healthy individuals  designed to prevent death and manage serious disease, without dealing with the underlying cause

influenced by corporate/pharmaceutical & insurance companies. 

Conventional medicine eliminates the validity of other forms of medicine , due to ignorance.

Patients with the same disease get the same treatment regardless of their symptoms,age, gender, complaints.

The treatments available are very LIMITED they mostly consist of : drugs & surgery even with the extensive risks in complications and side effects.

If you can´t find the cause then the issue will present itself  all over again, even if they take out the alleged tumor ,mole , infection.

Perceives the body as a collection of individual organs or systems, each of which has it´s own specialist 

Digestive system: gastroenterologist

Heart: cardiologist  

Brain : Neurologist 

They don´t believe one thing affects the other.

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