Sick and tired of being sick and tired ?

Tired of hearing:

You are just depressed. Have you tried antidepressants? Have you tried therapy? It's all in your head. You should try meditating. You must be a hypochondriac PMS is normal. Mood swings are being a woman. PCOS is a lifetime condition. You can't change your genes. You need anger management clases. Have you tried yoga?

7 Keys to
Holistic Detox


It takes energy to heal  , DIS-EASE  is exhausting to the body, so optimizing our mitochondria (cell´s energy factories) and how to reduce oxidative stress (which results from toxic insults, infections, allergens, stress, and just eating too much poor quality food) is an often overlooked yet vital component to becoming a thriving human. Energy – how we make it, why we lose it, and how to create more of it. Understanding how to optimize


Before the body can optimally respond to any type of  healing therapies, we must first work on its ability to absorb and use the nutritional, energetic, or allopathic remedies it receives. Nutrition in all it´s forms is based on the body's chemistry. But chemistry itself is based in physics -- the flow of energy and information of the body. 


Hormonal Balance  is a delicate matter , too many hormones needing excretion or conversion in your bloodstream can be just as damaging as not having enough. The elimination of excess hormones is a normal part of your liver´s everyday function (think sex hormones, adrenal stress hormones and thyroid hormones) in your blood.  They are hormones and neurotransmitters, and uncovering reasons for imbalances in these areas is essential.


The key to regaining health lies in Optimal gut function . Most symptoms and diseases that manifest in different parts of the body from the heart to the joints are in reality  gut dysfunction complications  in disguise. Before chronic conditions comes systemic inflammation but even before that comes GUT dysfunction, caused by stress , pathogens ( parasites, bacteria, toxins )food sensitivities etc.


When your immune system shifts out of balance, Inflammation becomes systemic ( all around your system ) Systemic inflammation = wildfire Wildfire destroying and burning everything in its path , the path being your body.  Systemic inflammation almost always originates  in the gut and can linger undetected for years and lead to autoimmune diseases . 


Detoxification is the science of how we can aid our bodies to rid of toxins through drainage pathways,  toxins come in many forms: heavy metals, parasites, virus , bacterias, mold, wrong food , toxic relationships, or a very demanding and stressful  job. If stress lowers our immune system toxins builds up, we get sick, it´s as simple as that. Creating the right conditions for your body to eliminate them and minimizing exposure to new ones is the key, we do it through a HOLISTIC DETOX. 


The body and the mind are a single, dynamic bi-directional system. What you do to one has enormous impact on the other. What you do to your body you do to your gut, brain, hormones.  A stressful event ( Trauma / trauma ) can cause Dis-ease in the body.  Trauma : ​​a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. Divide into 2 categories  big T trauma and little t trauma .

Our Approach

One Condition, Many Causes

One cause, Many Conditions

Functional Medicine vs. Conventional Medicine

“Along my journey I have found that whenever we encounter a big issue or diagnosis it usually is conformed of a million little unbalances that sent the body into a negative spiral . This domino effect, is the reason you are not feeling well , let us help you find a million little healing oportunites.”

 -Carola LeWriedt

Fdn-p, Bioenergetic.p, Herbalist


Estrogen Dominace



The Holistic

At The Holistic Detox, we are committed to helping you reach optimal health, energy, and vitality by giving you information that may help you better understand the unique underlying causes of your Dis-Ease.

Conventional medicine often focuses on diagnosing diseases and using a pill to treat them. At The Holistic Detox, we take a different approach. With unique tools that help identify the critical imbalances that are at the root of your illness we craft a customized wellness plan that focus on your unique health issues. 


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