
Cortisol (High)

Weight gain, mostly around the midsection and upper back

Weight gain and rounding of the face


Fragile skin ,easy bruising

Flushed face

Slowed healing

Muscle weakness

Severe fatigue


Slow healing of cuts

Trouble sleeping

Your score is


Adrenal (High)

Irregular or stopped menstrual cycles in women

Excess facial and body hair growth in women

Irritability and anxiety

Upper body obesity

Round face

Increased fat around neck or a fatty hump between the shoulders

Fragile and thin skin

Stretch marks

Bone and muscle weakness

Severe fatigue

High blood pressure

High blood sugar

Your score is


Cortisol (Low)

Sudden pain in the lower back or legs

Low blood pressure

Extreme fatigue

Weight loss


Decreased appetite



Darkening of the skin (known as hyperpigmentation)

Possible fainting

Craving for salt

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)


Pain in the abdomen

Muscle or joint pains

Loss of body hair

Menstrual cycle irregularities

Your score is


Adrenal Insufficiency (Low)


Body aches

Unexplained weight loss

Low blood pressure


cognitive issues or “brain fog”

Skin discoloration (hyperpigmentation)

Fatigue, particularly upon waking, with intermittent “crashes” throughout the day

increased energy levels in the evenings

craving salt and sugar

In women, irregular or no menstrual period

Dark skin

Your score is


By Carola Le-Wriedt

My health issues were a mystery to Western medicine, countless doctors didn’t know how to heal me and just prescribed pills to mask my symptoms. Having battled Chronic Lyme disease, Dysautonomia POTS, Fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, hypoglycemia, Hasimoto’s Thyroiditis (Hypothyroidsm), chronic fatigue, estrogen dominance and years of digestive issues. I do what I do because I’ve found the solution: The Holistic Detox. Let me show you how so it inspires you to take care of your health issues too.

Functional Medicine vs. Conventional Medicine

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