

Do you work in childcare?

Do you have a history of Giardia, pinworms, or other parasites?

Have you ever swam in creeks, rivers, lakes?

Have you had occult blood in your stool? (From a lab test)

Any drooling while asleep?

Do you have dry lips ? (Always needs to reapply lip balm)

Menstrual problems

Do you experience lethargy or apathy? Disinterest or are you very passive ?

Do you get eye floaters?

Blurry, unclear vision

Any pain in belly button area (umbilicus)?

Experience any breathing problems, like asthma?

Do you have a strong sugar and processed food cravings?

Are you hungry all the time, bottomless pit, are still hungry after meals?

Do you experience loss of appetite?

Do you experience frequent vomiting?

Have you ever had issues with Bed-wetting?

Do you drink tap water?

Do you eat sushi, raw fish?

Do you eat raw fruits and vegetables ?

Do you eat pork products regularly?

Have you ever travelled to developing nations?

Frequent colds, flu, sore throats

Do you have zinc deficiency and/or white spots on your nails?

Do you have vitamin B6 deficiency?

Do you have anemia (low iron/hemoglobin on blood test)?

Increase of symptoms around a full moon

Do you sleep with your pets on the bed?

Kiss pets, allow pets to lick your face ?

Night sweats (not menopausal)

Do you experience fevers of unknown origin ?

Abdominal pains, cramps, or burning

Bowel urgency, occasional accidents

SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), feel bloated or gassy

Do you experience allergies and/or food sensitivities?

Do you feel like you need extra sleep? Do you wake unrefreshed?

Are dark circles under eyes something you constantly see ?

Do you have a tendency towards being hyperactive (nervous)?

Do you have a mood disorder, depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts?

Do you suddenly get Irritable for no apparent reason?

Do you get Headaches/Migraines?

Do you bite your fingernails?

Do you have excess mucus in the nose, or scab-like boogers?

Do you pick or bore your nose ?

Do you deal with stomach or small intestinal ulcers or lesions?

Any anal fissures (small, painful tears or cracks)?

Do you experience rectal or anal itching ?

Do you have alternating constipation and diarrhea?

Do you have frequent diarrhea or loose stools?

Any Skin issues, rashes, itches, hives, eczema, or acne?

Do you have trouble sleeping ( restless sleep, toss, turn, or wake up often)?

Your score is


By Carola Le-Wriedt

My health issues were a mystery to Western medicine, countless doctors didn’t know how to heal me and just prescribed pills to mask my symptoms. Having battled Chronic Lyme disease, Dysautonomia POTS, Fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, hypoglycemia, Hasimoto’s Thyroiditis (Hypothyroidsm), chronic fatigue, estrogen dominance and years of digestive issues. I do what I do because I’ve found the solution: The Holistic Detox. Let me show you how so it inspires you to take care of your health issues too.

Functional Medicine vs. Conventional Medicine

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