

Change in bowel function

Gastrointestinal problems

Skin hypersensitivity

Pulse skips

Eating disorder

Panic attacks

Hallucinations, paranoia, or schizophrenia


Impulsivity, aggression, or bipolar



Woozy (mentally unclear or hazy)

Light-headedness, poor balance, difficulty walking

Vertigo or increased motion sickness

Ear buzzing, ringing, or pain

Blurry or double vision

Sexual dysfunction or low libido

Irritable bladder or bladder dysfunction

Unexplained breast milk production

Unexplained menstrual irregularity

Facial paralysis (Bell's palsy)

Right shoulder pain (AC joint)

Costochondritis (sternum/breastbone and rib junction pain)

Muscle pain or cramps

Muscle pain or cramps

Twitching of facial or other muscles

Stiff neck

Crepitus (joint cracking)

Pelvic or testicular pain

Sore throat or swollen glands

Fatigue, lack of energy

Difficulty swallowing

Unexplained weight change (loss or gain)

Unexplained fevers, sweats, chills, or flushing

Disturbed sleep: too much, too little, early awakening

Tingling, numbness, burning, or stabbing sensations

Difficulty with speech or writing

Disorientation (getting lost; going to wrong places)

Confusion, difficulty thinking

Forgetfulness or poor short-term memory

Pain migrates or moves around to different areas of your body

Your score is



Abdominal pain

Air hunger (episodes of breathlessness)

Anemia (low iron/hemoglobin on blood test)

Low back stiffness or pain


Disturbed sleep: frequent waking

Excessive sleepiness

Encephalopathy (brain malfunction, brain issues)

Fatigue, tiredness, poor stamina



Hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells)

Enlarged liver


Generalized ill feeling

Muscle pains or cramps

Nausea, vomiting

Neck stiffness, pain

Night sweats

Poor appetite

Shaking chills

Your score is



Ever been scratched by a cat

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Anxiety, panic attacks, or excessive worry

Eyes: blurred vision, red eyes, dry eyes, depth, perception issue, light sensitivity

Weight loss

Twitching of facial muscles


Shinbone pain

Enlarged spleen

Sore throat

Sleepiness or drowsiness


Spider veins

Maculopapular rash (small red bumps)

Stretch mark-like rash (not from overweight)

Foot pain or plantar fasciitis-type pain (heels or soles of the feet)

Muscle pains or cramps, especially in calves

Generalized ill feeling

Lymph nodes swollen

Joint pain or swelling

Jaundice (yellowing of skin)


Feeling of coming down with the flu

Immune deficiency

Enlarged liver


Low-grade fever

Fatigue, tiredness, poor stamina



Hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells)

Brain dysfunction

Ear buzzing, ringing, pain, sound sensitivity


Disturbed sleep: too much, too little,fractionated, early awakening

Back stiffness


Anemia (low iron/hemoglobin on blood test)

Abdominal pain

Your score is


By Carola Le-Wriedt

My health issues were a mystery to Western medicine, countless doctors didn’t know how to heal me and just prescribed pills to mask my symptoms. Having battled Chronic Lyme disease, Dysautonomia POTS, Fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, hypoglycemia, Hasimoto’s Thyroiditis (Hypothyroidsm), chronic fatigue, estrogen dominance and years of digestive issues. I do what I do because I’ve found the solution: The Holistic Detox. Let me show you how so it inspires you to take care of your health issues too.

Functional Medicine vs. Conventional Medicine

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